Prep Band
Prep Band is a class for beginners that meets during the school day
GC: dfx35t5
Remind: @hlrprep2 to 81010 |
AP Music Theory
GC: 7se636r
Remind: @hlrapmt to 81010 |
Wind Symphony (Honors Band)
An honors performance ensemble that meets during the day. These students are required to participate in extra musical activities outside of school.
GC: gxyudyq
Remind: @hlrwind to 81010
GC: gxyudyq
Remind: @hlrwind to 81010
Concert Band (Performance Band)
A performance Ensemble that meets during the day. These students are required to participate in extra musical activities outside of school.
GC: wdtymis
Remind: @hlrcb to 81010
GC: wdtymis
Remind: @hlrcb to 81010